Friday, October 06, 2006

Jaws the Jungle Carpet Python

Here is the little fellow (5.75") that started my going nuts with snakes. I have had snakes for 20 years off and on but once I got him I couldn't stop myself. Now I have 11 Jungle Carpet pythons, not including the 10 babies. I love the contrasting colors of black and yellow on them.
This Jungle Carpet Python (His name is Jaws) will be (hopefully) with "Sweet Tara" this upcoming breeding season.
Jaws prefers (only will eat) mice and lots of them. He eats about 6 jumbo mice a week. I have to no avail tried to get him to eat rats. I have a few other Jungle with the same preference. My recommendation to anyone with a JCP is to get one that is eating rats or buy a baby JCP and get them on rats as soon as you can. I had very little trouble getting the babies (George and Gracie's clutch) switching over to rats. All the babies eat rats now. All you need to do is wait for them to get big enough to swallow them safely. For me its seems to be about six to eight weeks old.
The Jungle Carpet Python (Morelia spilota cheynei) The carpet python (Morelia spilota), is a species of medium to large semi-arboreal pythons, usually maxing out at 5' males and 7' for females. They can often found near people where they perform a useful service by eating rats and other rodents. They are mostly nocturnal, but can also be diurnal. They are indigenous to Australia and New Guinea
Here is a link for more information on this awesome breed of snake: Python Pete